The Course

Ever felt like the traditional education system just doesn't cut it for you or your kids? You're not alone! This course is all about 'deschooling,' a process that helps you step away from conventional schooling mindsets and practices. We'll dive into the history and philosophy of deschooling, exploring the works of pivotal thinkers like Ivan Illich. By understanding the 'why' behind this transformative approach, you'll be equipped to create a learning environment that's more flexible, individualized, and suited to personal interests and life goals.

But this isn't just about theory; it's hands-on and all about implementation. You'll learn practical steps to gradually replace schoolish habits with self-directed learning experiences, tailored to both kids and adults. Discover how to trust natural learning processes, foster curiosity, and embrace a world where education isn't confined by the four walls of a classroom. Whether you're a parent looking to enhance your child's educational journey, an educator aiming for a more liberated classroom, or someone seeking personal growth, this course will offer you the tools and confidence to apply deschooling principles in everyday life, leading to a more authentic, fulfilling approach to learning.

What you will learn

When I first created this course, my intention was to meticulously put together something that would resonate with you on a deep level, guiding you through the transformative journey of deschooling. Picture this: you're tapping into a whole new world of learning, one where your natural curiosity leads the way, and that's exactly what this course is designed to help you do. Each module is crafted with your personal growth in mind. Trust me, you're about to embark on a liberating experience that's as fulfilling as it is well-structured. We've left no stone unturned to ensure that each lesson is accessible, engaging, and, above all, practical. Stick with it, and you'll soon appreciate the powerful shift in how you approach learning and life itself. It's going to be quite the eye-opener, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes you!


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Designing a Conducive Learning Space
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Integrating Personal Interests
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fostering a Lifelong Learning Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Emotional Well-being
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Community Connection
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Alternative Assessments
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Crafting Personalized Learning Plans
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Adapting to Challenges
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Interactive Activities for Successful Deschooling Transition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wrap-up and Holistic Education
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your instructor

Moira Mills, hailing from English-American heritage, spent her formative years on an Alaskan farm, embracing the "unschooling" path that shaped her philosophy on childhood and learning. A certified RolferĀ® and health coach, Moira's journey led her from rural Alaska to upstate New York, where she initiated the "Albany Pop-Up Adventure Playground" in 2017.

Inspired by a transformative journey into motherhood in 2015, Moira champions a model for childhood learning that empowers children to lead their educational journey. Currently on a roadschooling adventure around the country with her son, Moira is a dynamic speaker specializing in reimagining education within communities.

Join Moira on this transformative journey, and let's reimagine education together.


Break free from traditional constraints, shaping your and your children's learning path beyond the classroom. Explore uncharted territories and embark on a personalized educational adventure.


Embrace the unconventional, shaping your family's learning path on your own terms beyond traditional boundaries. Explore uncharted territories and embark on a personalized educational adventure.


Ignite the revolution by shaping your learning path beyond traditional norms. Explore uncharted territories and embark on a personalized, revolutionary educational adventure.